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  • Why is Paolo different from an Agency?
    I believe clients hire people first independently from how small or big is the job they offer. My clients have aways appreciated (and somehow they make sure to write it in their reviews) the one-to-one service I offer. They sense the flexibility and speed with which i deliver my work while never impacting the quality!
  • Who can deliver more results? Paolo or an Agency?
    Overpromising on projects and deadlines is something that often happens in agencies because the people selling the project aren't the ones actually building and delivering it. Whereas a freelancer knows what they can offer, if/when they will need outside help, and how long it will take them to complete the task.
  • Is Paolo an agency?
    Paolo is a solo freelancer who uses an Hybrid business model by having external collaborators whom he trusts to work on bigger projects!
  • Does Paolo work with Small/Medium/Big Clients?
    I worked with brands of any size, from startups to SME to big corporates. What actually counts is just the size of the project. e.g. If an early stage startup offers me a 6-12 months complex project than I may need the support of some of my trusted collaborators. If A big company offers me a small 1-3 moths project that that is something I can eat for breakfast! Whatever project I may be offered I am always direct, clear and transparent about my deliverables, skills and knowledge. I would never take on a project if I knew I could not deliver exceptional results! If there is a need to involve a collaborator this will be present on the quote and the final price will account both my rate and my collaborators rates.
  • Is Paolo more affordable than an Agency?
    Absolutely Yes! I don't have business expenses nor employees. This makes me competitive in the market and a better option for early stage startups and small business owners who want to get the most out of their investment!
  • Will I get support after the project?
    I never ghosted my clients even if our contract ended. I always kept in touch with them and offered support to make sure that the work I have done ran smoothly overtime. Yes, some clients may abuse my availability but this never changed my way of working! e.g. After a 3 month project a client wanted to change a web feature so he contacted me. He explained his intentions and I advised him otherwise, suggesting him the best practice. I ended up doing this tweak for free and after a month he hired me again! An Agency would rarely be this flexible, considering the volume of clients they manage. One is like going to a great restaurant (me) leaving with a taste that is hard to forget. The other, (the agency) is like a fast food meal packaged the same way that makes you feel guilty after consuming. Worst case scenario you are still hungry! For this exact reason my clients are willing to refer me to their professional network.
  • Are Backlinks Important?
    Backlinks in SEO improve your rankings because they view the quality and quantity of the links as authoritativeness and votes of confidence from other websites. Therefore, the more backlinks your website has, the higher it can rank for search terms.
  • How much does SEO cost?
    Comprehensive Local SEO services can be as much as $3,000-$5,000 per month. Most businesses have budgets that range from $500/month to $10,000/month. Average hourly SEO services cost $100-$300 per hour. For small businesses, spend at least $500 per month on SEO to see results (Search Engine Journal)
  • How Are Keywords Chosen?
    The best keywords for SEO should strike the right balance between being popular on the one hand and easy to rank for on the other. That's why you always need to consider these two keyword metrics: Search volume: How many times a keyword is searched for. Keyword difficulty: How hard it is to rank for the keyword.
  • What is ACoS and ROAS?
    it quantifies how much revenue you generated for every dollar spent on advertising, indicating the inverse of ACoS, which emphasizes spending.
  • How CTR Impacts Ad Rank?
    CTR is not just an indication of how relevant your ads are to searchers. CTR also contributes to your Ad Rank in the search engines. Ad rank determines the position of your ad on the search results page.
  • Is Amazon PPC Worth It?
    In one word, absolutely. Amazon’s Sponsored Products model helps new products with no visibility get initial eyeballs and puts buying recommendations in front of prospective customers. Initially it may be expensive to get a good return on investment but once your product has reviews, sales history and refinement this should become more cost effective.
  • What are negative keywords?
    A type of keyword that prevents your ad from being triggered by a certain word or phrase. Your ads aren't shown to anyone who is searching for that phrase. This is also known as a negative match.
  • What is a free PPC audit?
    A PPC audit reviews and assesses the performance of your paid advertising account, which can range from Google Ads to Amazon Advertising, and provides actionable recommendations for improving your account's overall performance, as well as individual ad campaigns, ad groups, and ad budgets.
  • Does Quality Score Matter?
    A strong score can boost your Ad Rank, making your ad more prominent in search results. Higher visibility can result in more clicks and higher chances of achieving your campaign goals.
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