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Amazing Thailand

Updated: Aug 31, 2019

I can still remember my experience in Thailand, this video explains it in a precise and appealing way. Amazing Thailand 2018 Campaign has been launched to enhance a "sleepy" tourism or we can say a misbehaving tourism. In fact in Thailand there is still a high percentage of sex tourists, and prostitution is still a big business.

It all started with the Vietnam War when American soldiers were fighting in Vietnam and "having fun" in Thailand. Thailand saw the business opportunity into sex tourism and started building its fame on it. Right after the end of Vietnam war, and the withdraw of American soldiers from Vietnamese borders, the business was still going. People from neighbour countries were visiting Thailand for its "reputation"which was spreading.

The problems started with the first case of HIV/AIDS, which were completely ignored by the Thai government, which at the same time was endorsing this "dirty" business. after the starting of the epidemic, the government was concerned about the effect of the HIDS/HIV on the Thai tourism (which was 90% for sexual purpose). Being scared of any aftermath, the government try to solve this problem under the media radars, but it was a phenomenon that no one could stop. The disease was already spread all around the country and it was even starting infecting other Asian ones.

The following table explains the HIV/AIDS situation. Fortunately the government recognised to have neglected the Thai citizens and to have let them "literally" dye of a horrible death. The effort which the government put was commendable and exemplar, but still in the 21st century there are people who condemn the government's negligence. The rebranding period has started and the cases were hugely decreasing. Here it comes the initial video which remark Thailand as an alternative attraction destination with all its beauties, tastes and colours.

An "Amazing" Marketing Campaign created and raised a huge awareness. We can notice a pure "National brand replacement" let's think about (nazism in Germany, Fascism in Italy, Drug cartels in Colombia, etc...). Tourists flows changed in Thailand and at the same time Thailand started to heal from a pragmatic disease but even from a bad advertisement and stereotypes.

Now all those "hidden" beauties started to be seen from international tourists and Thailand changed radically its image. Suddenly food became a MUST and sipping coconut milk from an Amaka a trend.

Sex tourism still exist and It will never stop because is a part of the whole tourism business, but wouldn't be more profitable and safer if controlled and "legalised"? (e.g. Germany, Netherlands, etc...). The question marks still remains and the opinions still clashes, but anyway enjoy Thailand because it is actually AMAZING!

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