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Choose where customers see your ads


Customers may see your ads with their search results, on Google or partner websites, or in mobile apps — it all depends on how you set up your Google Ads campaign. This course explains how to choose where customers see your ads and the ad formats possible for each location.  

What you’ll learn:

How to identify where customers may see your ads

Which ad formats can be used on each Google network

Google Network 101

You're probably wondering, "What exactly do they mean by Google Network?" Good question. The Google Network is made up of two networks: Search and Display. They're the places where your Google Ads ads can appear, including: Google sites, partner sites, and other placements like mobile phone apps.

Let's take a closer look

Exactly what makes the Search and Display Networks unique? Let’s take a look at at how they differ by exploring the advertising strategies of two shops — Kai the Handyman and Karine’s Boutique. 

  1. Welcome to Main Street, where we meet two advertisers — Kai, the handyman, and Karine, the handbag designer. Each of them know a thing or two about advertising on the Google Network to reach the customers they’re looking for.

  2. So, what is this network, anyway? The Google Network is divided into two areas: the Search Network and the Display Network — each distinguished by the types of sites on which your customers can see your ads.

  3. Kai is a huge fan of the Google Search Network because he likes how this network makes it super easy for people to find him. When people need help with a leaky roof or a new paint job, they can simply turn to Google Search. Because he set up his campaign to include keywords — the words or phrases someone uses to search on Google — his ads display at the top of the search results, making it easy to find him fast!

  4. And because the Google Search Network displays ads across many sites and platforms, he likes how his customers can connect with him in multiple ways across different devices in moments of need. 

  5. On the other hand, Karine prefers the Google Display Network. Here, she can showcase her bag designs in rich media formats on sites like YouTube or others with content related to her targeting.

  6. Plus, she’s able to select the placements, the topics, and the audiences for her ads — all customizations that suit her attention-grabbing handbag ads just perfectly. 

  7. Finally, with the Display Network, she can choose to target a very large and yet very specific audience, so she can ensure she’s sending the right message to the right consumer.

Ad formats on the Google Network

Ad formats let you choose how to communicate your business to your audience. In this section, we’ll introduce the ad formats available on each network.

The Google Network can connect you with customers at the exact moment they're engaged in an online activity connected to what you offer — like searching for your product, reading a blog about your industry, or watching a related video on YouTube. Choosing the correct ad format for your campaign can ensure your ad is the most relevant and actionable for a particular customer at that moment.


In this course, we covered the Google Search and Display Networks and which ad formats can show on each. Now ask yourself this: Where in the Google Network could you reach more users?


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