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Learn the basics of Google Ads

Updated: Sep 7, 2019


In this course, we’ll dive into what Google Ads can do for your business.

What you’ll learn

How Google Ads can help you connect with your customers


How does Google Ads work?

Let's take a look at how Fareena’s flowers, a fictional flower shop, uses Google Ads to grow its customer base.

Fareena wants to grow her business to attract customers beyond everyday foot traffic. She's decided to use Google Ads to set up her ads, select where they appear, control her budget, and watch her business flourish.

  1. First, Fareena thinks about her goals. She wants to increase online sales for flower delivery, and she’d like to reach younger customers.

  2. She thinks about who those users are and how they spend their time online. She thinks reaching locals in their 20s and 30s should help increase her online sales.

  3. She decides on how much she wants to spend per day, and sets a campaign budget based on that.

  4. Once her campaign is set up, Fareena creates her first ads, making sure they’re clear, relevant, and include a link to her website.

  5. Next, Fareena sets up targeting. In this case, she decides to target people aged 20-30, who live within 20 miles of her store.

  6. Once the campaign goes live, Fareena’s ads appear in the relevant Google Search pages as well as next to relevant content on sites in Google’s advertising network.

  7. Young people in search of flowers see Fareena’s ads and connect with her business. People find the flowers they are looking for and Fareena gets access to more potential customers.


What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is an online advertising tool that helps businesses connect with their customers. You create your online ad, tell Google Ads who you want to reach, and Google Ads brings your ads to them. That’s basically it. 


Benefits of Google Ads

Now that we’ve covered the basics of Google Ads, let’s dig into what makes Google Ads different from other advertising options.

  1. Google Ads has a sophisticated targeting system that helps you show your ads to the right people, in the right place, at the right time. Use keywords, location, demographics, and more to target your campaigns. 

  2. Google Ads gives you complete control over your budget. You choose how much you spend per month, per day, and per ad. There’s no minimum. 

  3. Google Ads shows you how many people see your ads, what percentage of them click to visit your website, and even how many click to call you. With these tracking tools, you can even see the actual sales your website is generating as a direct result of your ads.

If you want to change your strategy, you can tweak your ads, try new keywords, or pause your campaign and re-start it whenever you’d like. 



In this course we covered how Google Ads works and how to use its unique benefits to reach your customers. Now ask yourself this: How can Google Ads help you reach your customers? Find out by creating an account.


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