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Nike: "find your greatness" advertising campaign.

Updated: Sep 11, 2019

The purpose of Nike is to involve the active members of the globe, in fact we can see that it is targeting more the young generation "Millennials"than the old one. Nike doesn't want to narrow his aim only on a selected niche in the market, indeed they apply a clever marketing strategy, namely targeting the sportive people without discrimination. It involves people from different cultures, different ages, different body shapes and disabilities. Another factor that makes me strengthen my opinion is that Nike, in this ad, is giving a deeper message. Rather than only doing sport for our health, we are doing it to prove and exceed ourselves, breaking the canons of what we can and cannot do. And that is the pivotal point to explain why is targeting the "Millennials": as a young sportive student I know and I can see every day how the majority of "Millennials" are competitive and how they try to get better (be the best) no matter which is the sport, activity or hobby and the main difference that I daily notice is the reason: to beat someone or to beat our fears which are our barriers. This is the message, "find your own Greatness".

I think that this Nike Ad has a strong rational information processing. We see different people that are doing different activities; they have a personal goal to achieve but they have a wall to demolish and wreck, which doesn't allow them to reach their peak and their maximum performance. Every people explain what is "Greatness" for them and as we can notice all the statements are different and, at the same time, so meaningful and related with each people ambition and pleasure. I brought these examples out to explain what is for me the rational information processing. "Rational" as the vocabulary says is: "the one that has got reason", so as long as every has different opinion of "Greatness" I can affirm that they are reasoning on what is "Greatness" for them so they are rational and as long as this Nike ad is composed by rational thoughts, it is a clear example of rational information processing ad.

As you could guess from the last part of the first paragraph I didn't go in depth in order to save material about the Identity theoryin this paragraph. As a rational and psychological motivational ad, we have different thoughts about "Greatness" which is an assumption for this paragraph's topic, the "Identity". As an Italian Anthropologist said: "Identity is self-image, what only us can see and it is hidden in our subjectivity intricacy […]". I found a great similarity between the Nike advertisement and this definition, the Nike advertisement touched all the point of "Identity" and as long as all these people express a self-image of themselves, in a certain way they are expressing and showing their "Identity" with their subjective opinion of their "Greatness".

I noticed that most of the time there was an off-camera voice, like a narrator, and only a few times we could hear the voices of the people that were in the frame. So, my suggestion for a more engaging Nike advertisement is to let speak the person that is in that particular frame in order to involve more the viewers and the audience.

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