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Service Description

Are you ready to raise funds and secure investments for your startup? My comprehensive fundraising coaching service is designed to help you successfully crowdfund on platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo, leverage my extensive network of 200k (including Angel Investors, VCs, CEOs, and more), and craft a stunning pitch deck that captures attention and drives investment. **Key Benefits of My Service:** 1. **Strategic Crowdfunding Guidance:** Maximize your crowdfunding success on Kickstarter or Indiegogo with expert strategies and insights. 2. **Extensive Network Access:** Tap into my vast network of over 200k potential investors, including Angel Investors, VCs, and CEOs. 3. **Compelling Pitch Deck:** Receive support in building, designing, and writing content for a pitch deck that stands out. 4. **Tailored Fundraising Plan:** Develop a customized plan that aligns with your startup's unique needs and goals. **Deliverables:** 1. **Crowdfunding Strategy:** A detailed plan for launching and managing a successful crowdfunding campaign. 2. **Network Connections:** Introductions and connections to potential investors from my network. 3. **Pitch Deck Development:** Assistance in creating a visually appealing and persuasive pitch deck, including design and content. 4. **Fundraising Roadmap:** A step-by-step fundraising roadmap outlining key milestones and action items. **Results You Can Expect:** 1. **Increased Funding Potential:** Enhance your chances of securing funds through effective crowdfunding and investor outreach. 2. **Professional Pitch Deck:** A polished and compelling pitch deck that effectively communicates your startup's value proposition. 3. **Valuable Connections:** Access to a robust network of investors and industry leaders who can support your funding goals. 4. **Clear Fundraising Strategy:** A well-defined plan to guide your fundraising efforts, ensuring you stay on track and focused. Transform your fundraising approach with expert guidance and a strategic plan. Book your one-hour coaching call today and take the first step towards securing the funds your startup needs to thrive.

Cancellation Policy

Between You: Called “Client” as follows. And Paolo Casula: Called "Supplier" as follows. 1) Description of Activities: The Supplier undertakes to provide Lead Generation services on behalf of the Client. 2) Compensation: The Supplier commits a maximum 30 hours/month (schedule to be defined) at a gross rate of €60/hour for the entire month of collaboration. 3) Length of the Collaboration: The collaboration has a duration of 1 month. The Customer reserves the right to withdraw from the following plan at any time. The plan will not be refunded after the acceptance of this contract. 4) Obligations of the Supplier: The Supplier undertakes to dedicate its attention and skills to the activities envisaged in this contract. He also undertakes to maintain maximum confidentiality on all confidential information of the Client to which it may have access during the execution of the activities. 5) Customer Obligations: The Customer undertakes to provide the Supplier with all the resources and information necessary for the execution of the planned activities. He also undertakes to pay the established compensation promptly and according to the agreed methods. 6) Applicable Law and Competent Court: This contract will be governed and interpreted according to Italian law. For any dispute arising from this contract, the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Cagliari in Italy. 7) Effectiveness of the contract: This contract will come into force on the date of the purchase.

Contact Details


Cagliari, Metropolitan City of Cagliari, Italy

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